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randomly select names from list in table

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Technical User
Jul 21, 2002
is it possible to select a name from a table randomly and have them update a text box on aform via a control button
if this is possible can some body provide me with the code to put behind botton.

Many Thanks in Advance
This Code was taken from PlanetSource Code, and I changed it around to select a random record from the RecordSource for a Form and then go to that record. You may get an idea from this.

Private Sub cmdRandom_Click()
'' Name: A Non-Repeating Random Number Generator
' Description: With this simple and very fast, routine you can generate a series of non-repeating
' random numbers. You can select a series of 10 numbers, or a series of a million...It doesn't matter.
' Can be useful for image fades, deck shuffling, random tip of the day, etc. - It even tells you how
' long it took to generate the series.

'By: Kevin Lawrence
' Inputs:None
' Returns:A popup message stating how many numbers had been mixed up and how long it took.
' Assumes:None
' Side Effects:The larger the series of numbers the more RAM required. Uses arrays.
''Code provided by Planet Source Code(tm) 'as is', without
' warranties as to performance, fitness, merchantability,
' and any other warranty (whether expressed or implied).
' ------------
' Produces a series of X random numbers without repeating any
' ------------
' 'Results can be used by using array B(X)

''''''''''''''''''Dim A(10000) ' Sets the maximum number to pick
'''''''''''''''''''Dim B(10000) ' Will be the list of new numbers (same as DIM above)
Dim A(100000)
Dim B(100000)
Dim Message, Message_Style, Message_Title, Response, MainLoop, ChosenNumber

' 'Set the original array
Dim MaxNumber As Long, seq As Long, StartTime As Date, EndTime As Date, TotalTime As Date
''''''''''''''MaxNumber = 10000 ' Must equal the DIM above
MaxNumber = Me.RecordsetClone.RecordCount
For seq = 0 To MaxNumber
A(seq) = seq
Next seq

' 'Main Loop (mix em all up)
StartTime = Timer
Randomize (Timer)

For MainLoop = MaxNumber To 0 Step -1
ChosenNumber = Int(MainLoop * Rnd)
B(MaxNumber - MainLoop) = A(ChosenNumber)
A(ChosenNumber) = A(MainLoop)
Next MainLoop
EndTime = Timer

TotalTime = EndTime - StartTime
Message = "The sequence of " + Format(MaxNumber, "#,###,###,###") + " numbers has been" + Chr$(10)
Message = Message + "mixed up in a total of " + Format(TotalTime, "##.######") + " seconds!"
''''''''''''''' I added this next line only
Message = Message + vbCrLf + "Selected Record # is " + CStr(B(200))
Message_Style = vbInformation + vbDefaultButton2
Message_Title = "Sequence Generated"
Response = MsgBox(Message, Message_Style, Message_Title)
'''''''''''''''' I added this to go to the record requested
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acGoTo, B(200)

End Sub


The VBasic code for random numbers is rnd()

if you wished to move to a random number in a recordset on a bound form, you could use this code under a command button.

private sub command0_click()
dim rs as dao.recordset ' set ms dao 3.6 reference
dim nn as long

set rs = me.recordsetclone

nn = rnd(rs.recordcount)
rs.move nn
me.bookmark = rs.bookmark
set rs = nothing

Rollie E
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