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random rebooting

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Technical User
Mar 27, 2001
My computer reboots itself, seemingly randomly. It seems to happen more when I'm doing things like watching video or listening to audio(although not as much). It's not a software problem, it's not a power supply problem, and I don't think it's a cpu problem because the cpu never gets over 29 at the most; usually around 27. The only thing I can think of it being would be the video card. Is this the most logical assumption or is there something else that might be causing it? Thanks a lot for any help.
sometimes it could be hard to diagnose this kinda thing. i have a modem that rebooted the computer when i first connected to the internet....then once i connected after it finished booting it worked fine.hmm?
i would definetly try a different video card to eliminate the possibility of a defective card.
Maybe it's a heating issue?

You could run a heat monitor and see if it reboots when it reaches a certain temperature - I've seen stranger!

Post details of CPU, mobo, etc to aid further diagnosis.

Hope this helps
I have a P2 450 cpu and an abit BX6 motherboard. I've checked the heat of the cpu and the case and it never seems to get very high. Although, my video card (Stealth 4000 3D AGP) is right below the cpu fan and picks up some of the heat coming off of it.
If it happens typically while watching video, it's just possible that it's a defrag/pagefile issue.

Try fixing the size of the pagefile to 1.5xRAM and see if that helps.
Check to make sure the cpu ios not getting too hot. If not, you might try getting a different video card or updating the drivers.
Ummm... Can a computer REBOOT when it heats up!???
. It should actually FREEZE... ohh.. bad use of word.. it would STALL it if over heats.

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i apologize for my ignorance, but how would i go about changing the pagefile size?
You say its not the power supply. How do you know that? A power supply can test ok and have power sags when you run a lot of stuff at once(because its slowly dying, the worst kind!). Or it could just be underpowered. I've seen this on almost every H.P. computer I've had to work on. They come with a 145 watt Power supply, which is barely enough to make it run. It should be at least (bare minimum in my opinion) 200 watt. Open up the case and take a look. Power supplies are a cheap fix.
Another thing to check - you don't say what O.S. you are running but you might check the windows update site and see if there are any patches for your Win version. Also check and see if there are any driver updates for the peripherals on your system. These can all cause intermittent reboots. I hope this helps.
I have a similar problem with a Hercules prophet 2 ultra card, it doesnt reset but seems to go to permanant standby. The only way to boot up is to hold the power switch for several seconds and switch on again. This only happens when running 3d games.

How hot is to hot for an Athlon thunderbird, mine reaches 50oC according to bios.

I hope and thank u for any help
I know it's not my power supply because I already tried replacing it and it didn't help. I run Win 98. I think I have the most updated drivers for my system, but I should double check i guess. This has been happenning for quite a while though, so i don't know if it has anything to do with drivers. it seems more like a hardware issue to me. thanks for the suggestions.
milkplus, i don't know much about athlon cards but 50C seems really hot for anything. ?
To find out if your Video card is actually heating up open the case and put a fan near it an on at full blast! Now test and see if it still reboots.

It can be vary dangerous having the case open with the computer turned on. Make sure nothing comes in with contact or even near it. And keep your self away from it too.

If possible, just leave the case a bit open instead of taking it off. This would reduce the risk of any shocks or damage.

I used to have a Voodoo 2 from Diamond MM when it first came out into the market. It had no fans or even heat sinks!! After 3 minuets into the game, my computer would freeze. After putting a big fan in front of it, the card ran smoothly. So I realized that I needed a heat sink + those mini fans that are designed for processors, and it worked fine forever!.. well achually I sold it and got a Ge-force but you know what I mean! :)

IF it still reboots then this will let everybody know that it is NOT the computer heating up and it must be a software related problem. (Or a hardware conflict)

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!

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I tested the theory of my cpu causing the power down by blocking off its fan, and within a minute and a half it did exactly the same thing as I mention in one of the obove posts. Since then I have changed the case over for a better bigger one as the PSU was an inche above the cpu and the Geforce card was blocking any air circulating the other way, and since then it has been an almost 100% improvement.
The morale of this story is dont skimp on a case to save money.
Another heatsink and fan is on the way to replace the one I'm using atm, what else can I do to get the sucker cooler?

ps. I dont know what MIS is, but I do have a Microstar mobo :)
out of curiosity, what does mobo mean? -----------------

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