I have the following small script that chooses a new random number each day:
Dim myvar(100)
theDate = (Left(Right(Date(),7),2))
theDate = replace (theDate, "/", "")
Randomize theDate
randnumber = Int((UBound(myvar) - 0 + 1) * Rnd + 0)
By using Ubound(myvar) the server will pick a Random number between 0-100. What I would like to do is modify the above script so I can manually input numbers of which the server will randoomly pick any one.
For example each day I would like the server to pick only one number from the following numbers of MY choosing:
I will change these numbers and add or subject the qunaityt of numbers now and then.
Any help would be well appreciated.
Dim myvar(100)
theDate = (Left(Right(Date(),7),2))
theDate = replace (theDate, "/", "")
Randomize theDate
randnumber = Int((UBound(myvar) - 0 + 1) * Rnd + 0)
By using Ubound(myvar) the server will pick a Random number between 0-100. What I would like to do is modify the above script so I can manually input numbers of which the server will randoomly pick any one.
For example each day I would like the server to pick only one number from the following numbers of MY choosing:
I will change these numbers and add or subject the qunaityt of numbers now and then.
Any help would be well appreciated.