using vb. the function rnd() is a random number. Open a test form and put a command button on it. In the code for the command button put:
MsgBox str(rnd())
and see what happens. YOu will get a number from 0 to 1 - different with each click. Now multiply that by 10,000 and you will get a random number between 1 and 10,0000. Use the int() of that number. You may want to seed it with a date function like format(date, "yyyymmdd" + 2
Thanks! Here's what I came up with for the button control:
Option Compare Database
Private Sub CreateTestID_Click()
MsgBox Str(Rnd()) * (10000000)
End Sub
How do I get that number to enter into the ID field? And how do I assure that it will not be updated; as in the autonumber field, I believe that the number entered into the field is there to stay.
Locking the field code prohibits changes to the field from the keyboard, but pressing the command button triggers the vba code which does change the contents.
I think the vb code needs an if string...
If Me.tblTestID =0 or "", then enter number, If not MsgBox "This record cannot accept a new ID."
I Locked the field and applied the following code which does not work. I get no message box and, pressing the command button keeps changing the ID.
Private Sub CreateTestID_Click()
'MsgBox Str(Rnd()) * (10000000)
'me.IDField = int(rnd()*1000000
If (Me.tblTestID = 0) Or (Me.tblTestID = "" Then
MsgBox ("Record ID already exists"
Me.tblTestID = Int(Rnd() * 1000000)
End If
End Sub
I think null may be getting you. If you check a field, you need a null workaround or an isnull() check. The workaround is nz() which changes a null string to "" and a null number to 0. Try combining both those tests with and
isnull(Me.tblTestID) and add your randnom number only if it is a null value.
email me if you have further problems. I just cit the email notification of this thread.
As I was reading this thread I was coming to the same conclusion as danvlas. There is no guarantee you will have a unique value unless you build in some validation checking. Are you sure you are not getting mixed up with replication IDs which are non-sequential, but also not random?
Just my 2p's worth.
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