Hi there folks. I'm not a C++ developer, but I thought I'd ask a theoretical question here just out of curiosity's sake.
Does C++ have built-in functions that allow you to generate a random number that would fit a bell curve?
In other words, I want to create a function (or whatever the correct term is) that generates a number from 1-100. If I generate enough of these, the distribution would look like a bell curve. How easy is that to accomplish?
Additionally, how easy would it be to modify the curve thereafter? For example, let's say I wanted to skew the curve so that all numbers would still be between 1-100, but the distribution would be more heavily towards the higher numbers. How easy would that be to accomplish?
Does C++ have built-in functions that allow you to generate a random number that would fit a bell curve?
In other words, I want to create a function (or whatever the correct term is) that generates a number from 1-100. If I generate enough of these, the distribution would look like a bell curve. How easy is that to accomplish?
Additionally, how easy would it be to modify the curve thereafter? For example, let's say I wanted to skew the curve so that all numbers would still be between 1-100, but the distribution would be more heavily towards the higher numbers. How easy would that be to accomplish?