I have a function that I wrote that takes a clock in time and a clock out time as paramaters and is supposed to return the amount of break time that is allowed between those two times. That function, while tricky, is done, I think. However, I need to test it thoroughly.
I decided to write a function to populate a table with random clock in and out values. The function is relatively simple, and it works perfectly in the immediate window. I ran it in a loop probably 30,000-40,000 times, and it gave sufficiently random times for my needs. However, when I use this function in an update query, it sets the generated times to the exact same thing for every record. If I re-run the update query, the table will have different times than before, but still the same two for every record.
Here is my random time function:
And here is the SQL for my update query.
Should be pretty straight forward?
Anyone have any ideas?
Thanks very much in advance!
Brooks Tilson
Database Development
Tilson Machine, Inc.
I decided to write a function to populate a table with random clock in and out values. The function is relatively simple, and it works perfectly in the immediate window. I ran it in a loop probably 30,000-40,000 times, and it gave sufficiently random times for my needs. However, when I use this function in an update query, it sets the generated times to the exact same thing for every record. If I re-run the update query, the table will have different times than before, but still the same two for every record.
Here is my random time function:
Public Function generateRandomTime()
Randomize Timer
h = CInt(Rnd() * 12) + 1
m = CInt(Rnd() * 59)
s = CInt(Rnd() * 59)
ampm = CInt(Rnd() * 2) + 1
timeHolder = h & ":" & m & ":" & s
If ampm = 1 Then timeHolder = timeHolder & " AM"
If ampm = 2 Then timeHolder = timeHolder & " PM"
timeToReturn = CDate(timeHolder)
generateRandomTime = timeToReturn
End Function
And here is the SQL for my update query.
UPDATE Indirect SET Indirect.CLOCK_IN = generateRandomTime(), Indirect.CLOCK_OUT = generateRandomTime();
Should be pretty straight forward?
Anyone have any ideas?
Thanks very much in advance!
Brooks Tilson
Database Development
Tilson Machine, Inc.