Hi All,
As a newbie I'm trying to solve a little problem I have with a web site flash header i'm creating and bow to your knowledge of using Flash...
I'm using MX and have a header that has a Flash movie in it...this has to be a random one of 47 files...one should load and play randomly and then when this has finished it should load another randomly from the same folder and then that play in full until that has finished and then another.. etc etc
So a random movie loader flash file loading randomly from a single folder containing 47 .swf files called image0.swf to image46.swf (perhaps with a preloader- each swf file is about 27k)
Either this is very simple..or very hard as there is only random loaders on the web which random load images on page refresh (not as a continuous never ending random movies...) and i'm getting square eyes from searching and looking!!
Your help would be greatly appreciated on this..Many thanks in advance....
As a newbie I'm trying to solve a little problem I have with a web site flash header i'm creating and bow to your knowledge of using Flash...
I'm using MX and have a header that has a Flash movie in it...this has to be a random one of 47 files...one should load and play randomly and then when this has finished it should load another randomly from the same folder and then that play in full until that has finished and then another.. etc etc
So a random movie loader flash file loading randomly from a single folder containing 47 .swf files called image0.swf to image46.swf (perhaps with a preloader- each swf file is about 27k)
Either this is very simple..or very hard as there is only random loaders on the web which random load images on page refresh (not as a continuous never ending random movies...) and i'm getting square eyes from searching and looking!!
Your help would be greatly appreciated on this..Many thanks in advance....