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RAM Defective or Incompatible?

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Technical User
Feb 16, 2002
Hey guys, I haven't come around here in a while but maybe someone can help me with this problem. As much as I know (or think I know) about computers, the different types of RAM these days confuses me. So, when my wife wanted me to upgrade her RAM so that EverQuest II would perform better for her, I was a little nervous.

My wife has an eMachines T3410 that was a gift from her parents before we got married last year. A little research online told me it uses PC3200 DDR SDRAM. It came with a single 512mb chip. I started pricing chips and quickly got confused about this "high density" stuff. After reading about fifteen different threads on various message boards and giving myself a headache, I came to the conclusion that her computer probably doesn't support the "high density" or 128x4 RAM and I might as well not order it, even though it was a good bit cheaper.

So I finally ordered a 1gb chip from GearXS.com. It was listed as "Samsung 1GB (64X4) PC3200 16C." I ordered it on the 9th and just got it today finally. I put it in my wife's computer alongside the existing 256 chip and booted up. The new chip wasn't being recognized. I thought maybe it was because the chips weren't the same, so I removed the 256 chip and put the new 1gb in by itself. The computer refused to boot up, only giving me a long system beep when powered on, followed by a pause, then another long system beep, etc.

So... Is this the right kind of RAM for this computer? Everything I can find says it should work, so I'm betting on a defective chip. As far as I can tell, GearXS is going to charge me a 25% restocking fee, as well, which is bogus if it's a defective chip. Can anyone help?
Did you verify the max memory allowed per DIMM slot for your computer? If you don't have the documentation for that, it should be listed on the manufacturer's website.

The manufacturer's website for brand-name computers is usually the best place to start in order to make sure you don't end up with memory that just will not work with your computer.

Also, if your computer (probably not) came with motherbaord documentation telling what the beep codes are for your mobo, that might help.

Here is a listing of beep codes:
[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.pchell.com/hardware/beepcodes.shtml[/url] and there are many other sites that list them as well, along with troubleshooting tips.

Also, just glancing at resellerratings, as a reference, it does not appear that people have rated this store too highly - possibly b/c they don't give you the right parts?? I didn't take the time to read the 5 reviews listed. Here is a link to the summary: [URL unfurl="true"]http://www.resellerratings.com/seller5218.html[/url]
So... Is this the right kind of RAM for this computer?[/.quote]

from what it sounds like, probably NOT...

according to the Manual, it is upgradable to 2gb, meaning if it has 4 SLOTS then the max would be 512mb per module... if per chance it only has two slots, it may be that the Module is damaged, or incompatible, test this by inserting the module in a PC that does allow the usage of 1 GB modules...

other than that I can't help you there...


"If it works don't fix it! If it doesn't use a sledgehammer..."
Thanks for the replies. This model of computer is VERY poorly documented, even on the eMachines web site. I do know, however, that it is supposedly upgradeable to 2gb of RAM, and there are only two slots on the motherboard. This would mean 1gb per slot, right?

I wish I had a way to test the RAM, but I do not. My PC has an older model Asus board that takes 1gb max of PC2100. I guess my only real option now is to send the chip back to GearXS and either risk them sending another chip that potentially won't work or try to get as much of my money back from them as I can.
I tried Crucial.com, but it does not list this model eMachines. =/
For the next step download and run Belarc Advisor. It will give you board and memory specs. Then perhaps crucial can help.

Ed Fair
Give the wrong symptoms, get the wrong solutions.
When you tested the new module by itself, did you place it in the 1st slot? Many times the machine will require a specific slot be filled first. I am confused about your original configuration was it 2x256 modules? This is what I am guessing by what you have written.

Many times memory banks have to be paired or populated uniformally. Meaning, if you have a 512k module you can not mix it with a 1g module. This is especially true if you use memory interleaveing. I would go into BIOS set-up and see if there is such an option (memory interleaving) and if there is, shut it off, then try.

Additionally, your new 1G PC3200 module is compatable with your older machine which only runs @ PC2100. Therefore it would not hurt anything to try the new module in your older machine as well.
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