We have a HP 9000 server with HP-UX 11.11.
HP Surestore SC10 array is connected to it with 36gb*4 hdd.
RAID 5 is configured on it. Total disksize of RAID is
104gb.Recently we have added one more 36gb hdd in RAID5
[online addition] using irm utility.Reconstruction of
RAId 5 completed successfully without disturbing the data.
In irm it shows total disk space of RAID5 as 138gb.
But if we do vgdisplay /dev/vg01 it shows the old size of
the RAID5.i.e. 104gb [vg01 is created on RAID5 drive.]
RAID5 disk is /dev/dsk/c3t0d0 on which vg01 is created.
What action we need to take to recognize the new size if
RAID5 by operating system ?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.