The PCI SCSI RAID Array adapter supports RAID levels 0,1 and 5 :-
RAID Level 0
This type of RAID stands for striping, a process by which several smaller
drives are grouped together to form one larger logical drives.
RAID Level 1
RAID1 stands for mirroring, which means that all the data on a disk is
simultaneously written to a second disk. The advantage of this procedure
is that in case of a disk failure the stored data can still be accessed.
RAID Level 5
RAID5 stripes data across all drives in the array, one stripe unit at a time.
RAID5 also write array parity data. The parity data is spread across all
the drives.The advantage of this procedure is that in case of a disk
failure the data lost on the failed disk can be rebuilt from the remaining
data and parity.
RAID level 0, every array is allowed 1 to 16 disks
RAID level 1, every array is allowed 2 to 16 disks
RAID level 5, every array is allowed 3 to 16 disks
Capacity :-
RAID level 0, capacity = number_of_drives x drive_capacity
RAID level 1, capacity = (number_of_drives x drive_capacity) / 2
RAID level 5, capacity = (number_of_drives –1 ) x drive_capacity
Using Command Line
scraidmgr –A –c yes –l (array) –r (raid level) –e (disk ids) –q (queue depth) –g yes
scraidmgr -A -c yes -l scraid0 -r 5 -e "08 0B 0D" -q 8 –f no -g yes
Using SMIT
Enter the SMIT menu "PCI SCSI Disk Array Manager" using the smit short cut :-
smit pdam
Select "Create a PCI SCSI Disk Array" and press Enter
Select the PCI SCSI RAID Adapter required and press Enter
Select the RAID Array type required and press Enter
Use ESC+7 to select all the drives required to create the RAID Array and press Enter
Initialise Parity
If the parity / mirror (RAID5 / RAID1) is not initialised, then any consistency
check run on the array will encounter inconsistencies. It is recommended
that parity / mirror be initialised at array creation time.
RAID0 is a non redundant array and therefore cannot be initialised.
Press Enter to continue
When the consistency check has completed :-
it shows completed and ok.
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