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Radiobuttion value assign

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Technical User
May 31, 2003
Hi All

I have written a small proc to display a window with some radio button option. On selection of radio button, I wanted to store the value of the radio button variable in a different variable. I tried doing it , however its failing.
# Assigning the value of the Radio Button Variable
set g_dev_id $dev_id
puts $g_dev_id
Below is the source code.Can anybody help me in solving this issue.

Thanking you in advance

# Procedure for Select Device
proc selectdevice {w} {
#create toplevel
toplevel $w.selectdevice
set selectdev_w $w.selectdevice
wm geometry $selectdev_w 280x150+279+322
wm title $selectdev_w "Select Device"
wm transient $w.selectdevice .

#create the main frame
frame $selectdev_w.fra_main01 -borderwidth 2 -relief groove -height 140 -width 265
set fra_main01_seldev $selectdev_w.fra_main01

#create the titleframe for Device
TitleFrame $fra_main01_seldev.tit_device -foreground black -text Device
set tit_dev [$fra_main01_seldev.tit_device getframe]

#create the device id
radiobutton $tit_dev.rad_bid01 -disabledforeground #a3a3a3 -selectcolor #b03060 -text {Board ID 1} -variable dev_id -value 0
radiobutton $tit_dev.rad_bid02 -disabledforeground #a3a3a3 -selectcolor #b03060 -text {Board ID 2} -variable dev_id -value 1

# Assigning the value of the Radio Button Variable
set g_dev_id $dev_id
puts $g_dev_id

#place and show the device id
place $tit_dev.rad_bid01 -in $tit_dev -x 3 -y 0 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $tit_dev.rad_bid02 -in $tit_dev -x 4 -y 35 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
button $fra_main01_seldev.b_ok -disabledforeground #a3a3a3 -pady 0 -text OK -width 6
button $fra_main01_seldev.b_can -disabledforeground #a3a3a3 -pady 0 -text Cancel -width 6 -command [list destroy $selectdev_w]
place $fra_main01_seldev.tit_device -in $fra_main01_seldev -x 38 -y 24 -width 128 -height 87 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $fra_main01_seldev.b_ok -in $fra_main01_seldev -x 185 -y 35 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $fra_main01_seldev.b_can -in $fra_main01_seldev -x 185 -y 75 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore
place $selectdev_w.fra_main01 -in $selectdev_w -x 6 -y 4 -width 265 -height 140 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore

# grab the focus only on Select device window
focus $selectdev_w
grab $selectdev_w
tkwait window $selectdev_w

Hi mistkhan,

try this, Instead of setting g_dev_id after the radiobutton description, add -command option to radiobutton.

your code should read like this.

radiobutton $tit_dev.rad_bid01 -disabledforeground #a3a3a3 -selectcolor #b03060 -text {Board ID 1} -variable dev_id -value 0 -command {set g_dev_id $dev_id
puts $g_dev_id
radiobutton $tit_dev.rad_bid02 -disabledforeground #a3a3a3 -selectcolor #b03060 -text {Board ID 2} -variable dev_id -value 1 -command {set g_dev_id $dev_id
puts $g_dev_id

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