I have a form with radio buttons. When the form is submitted, it should open an ASP page depending on which radio button is selected. FORM tag as I know it only allows one ACTION target. How could I specify different targets for each radio button?
Each of your radio buttons will be called the same name (for example: radiojump), but with different values. Make the values the names of the pages you wish to jump to.
When the form is submitted you can redirect the user to the page which is the value of the radiojump selection:
I have a form with several text boxes and those radio buttons that use an intermediate ASP page as a referrer to an appropriate page for each button. However, those pages can't see the text fields from the same page as the radio buttons. In the sequence:
(1)radio buttons and text fields,
(2)process-and-redirect form,
(3)display text fields,
obviously the data from Page 1 can't be shown on Page 3 using Request.Form. Or can it?
Is the user submitting from the intermediate page as well, or does the page just process then redirect?
If the user is submitting the intermediate page then you should store the values from the first page into hidden fields. Then they will be passed to the third page in the chain and you can use request.form
If not (and this could be done anyway) you could append the form values to your page 3 url using querystrings. Derren
[Mediocre talent - spread really thin]
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