Currently migrating from IE5/NT to IE6/XP. In IE5 radio buttons appear as O and O with "." in the middle when checked. In IE6, they appear as O and O with "o" in the middle when checked (the "o" is filled and takes up most of the white space in the O (it is also green)). When the radio buttons are disabled the green "o" is changed to a grey color that almost perfectly matches the grey of the form...very tough to see.
Does anybody know how I can change the coloring or the style (ie back to O, O with "."?
Debugging with InterDev the x.currentStyle.listStyleType = "disc". Does anybody know where this "disc" is defined?
Thanks for your help.
Does anybody know how I can change the coloring or the style (ie back to O, O with "."?
Debugging with InterDev the x.currentStyle.listStyleType = "disc". Does anybody know where this "disc" is defined?
Thanks for your help.