I have to unbound radio buttons on a form. Based on values I get back from the database I want to check opt_yes or check opt_no. How do I do this????????????
You'll want to have two radio buttons inside a frame. Have the frame bound to the field in your table. Have the value of the yes/true radio button be -1. The value of the other should be 0. You can test this by also having a check box on your form bound to the same field. Flipping through records you should see that they evaluate to the same thing. A check box is the more common way to represent values like this, but a set of radio buttons should work fine, too.
Please post in the appropriate forum with a descriptive subject; code and SQL, if referenced; and expected results. See thread181-473997 for more pointers.
OK. The radio buttons are calculated from info I get back from an Sql query in vba code. It is not directly tied to any one field in a table. I have to calculate the answer based on past history.
I just want to know how to slect one of the buttons in an option group or check it in code. Shouldn't be very hard but I can't seem to find an answer.
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