Hi All,
I have just started to use and develop some sample "Proof of Concepts" with Host Publisher.
Unfortunately, I don't know much about JSP and have a situation I hope someone can assist.
The situation is, RADIO buttons, I have an input page which the user can enter a "NAME" value to search for, and the resultant output is a table list for all matching names, each having a radio button.
Here are the sample codes for each page,
FORM - TI0060_Policy_Selection
<%@ content_type="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" %>
<BEAN NAME="Main_Menu" TYPE="IntegrationObject.Main_Menu" INTROSPECT="yes" CREATE="yes" SCOPE="request">
<% Main_Menu.doHPTransaction(request, response); %>
<FORM NAME="TI0060_Name_Search_List" METHOD="POST" ACTION="<%= response.encodeUrl("TI0060_Name_Search_List.jsp" %>">
<P>Name Search
<INPUT TYPE ="text" NAME="ti0060_name_search">
<P><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Search">
<% out.close(); %>
FORM - TI0060_Name_Search_List
<%@ content_type="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" %>
<BEAN NAME="TI0060_Name_Search" TYPE="IntegrationObject.TI0060_Name_Search" INTROSPECT="yes" CREATE="yes" SCOPE="request">
<% TI0060_Name_Search.doHPTransaction(request, response); %>
<P>TI0060 Name Search List<TABLE BORDER><TBODY>
<% int position = 1; %>
<REPEAT INDEX=idx1><tr>
<td><INPUT TYPE="radio" name="TI0060_Name_Search_List" value=<%= position++ %>><INSERT BEAN =TI0060_Name_Search PROPERTY =ti0060_name_search_listcolumn0></INSERT></td>
<td><INSERT BEAN =TI0060_Name_Search PROPERTY =ti0060_name_search_listcolumn1></INSERT></td>
<td><INSERT BEAN =TI0060_Name_Search PROPERTY =ti0060_name_search_listcolumn2></INSERT></td>
<FORM NAME="TI4009_Policy_Display_Name" METHOD="POST" ACTION="<%= response.encodeUrl("TI4009_Policy_Display_Name.jsp" %>">
<P><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Select">
<% out.close(); %>
You will notice above, I have created a variable, "position", and assigned this value to each name found, together with a radio button.
The QUESTION here is, if a user selects a particular name, ie. selects the associated RADIO button, and clicks on the "Select" button.
How do I pass this value to the next page, so I could perform some more coding.
Here is the code for the last page.
FORM - TI4009_Policy_Display_Name
<%@ content_type="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" %>
<BEAN NAME="TI0021_Buyer_Name_Select" TYPE="IntegrationObject.TI0021_Buyer_Name_Select" INTROSPECT="yes" CREATE="yes" SCOPE="request">
<% TI0021_Buyer_Name_Select.doHPTransaction(request, response); %>
<P>T4011_2 Policy Display<INSERT BEAN=TI0021_Buyer_Name_Select PROPERTY=ti4011_2_buyer_display_details ></INSERT>
<% out.close(); %>
Any assistance would be much appreciated.
I have just started to use and develop some sample "Proof of Concepts" with Host Publisher.
Unfortunately, I don't know much about JSP and have a situation I hope someone can assist.
The situation is, RADIO buttons, I have an input page which the user can enter a "NAME" value to search for, and the resultant output is a table list for all matching names, each having a radio button.
Here are the sample codes for each page,
FORM - TI0060_Policy_Selection
<%@ content_type="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" %>
<BEAN NAME="Main_Menu" TYPE="IntegrationObject.Main_Menu" INTROSPECT="yes" CREATE="yes" SCOPE="request">
<% Main_Menu.doHPTransaction(request, response); %>
<FORM NAME="TI0060_Name_Search_List" METHOD="POST" ACTION="<%= response.encodeUrl("TI0060_Name_Search_List.jsp" %>">
<P>Name Search
<INPUT TYPE ="text" NAME="ti0060_name_search">
<P><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Search">
<% out.close(); %>
FORM - TI0060_Name_Search_List
<%@ content_type="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" %>
<BEAN NAME="TI0060_Name_Search" TYPE="IntegrationObject.TI0060_Name_Search" INTROSPECT="yes" CREATE="yes" SCOPE="request">
<% TI0060_Name_Search.doHPTransaction(request, response); %>
<P>TI0060 Name Search List<TABLE BORDER><TBODY>
<% int position = 1; %>
<REPEAT INDEX=idx1><tr>
<td><INPUT TYPE="radio" name="TI0060_Name_Search_List" value=<%= position++ %>><INSERT BEAN =TI0060_Name_Search PROPERTY =ti0060_name_search_listcolumn0></INSERT></td>
<td><INSERT BEAN =TI0060_Name_Search PROPERTY =ti0060_name_search_listcolumn1></INSERT></td>
<td><INSERT BEAN =TI0060_Name_Search PROPERTY =ti0060_name_search_listcolumn2></INSERT></td>
<FORM NAME="TI4009_Policy_Display_Name" METHOD="POST" ACTION="<%= response.encodeUrl("TI4009_Policy_Display_Name.jsp" %>">
<P><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Select">
<% out.close(); %>
You will notice above, I have created a variable, "position", and assigned this value to each name found, together with a radio button.
The QUESTION here is, if a user selects a particular name, ie. selects the associated RADIO button, and clicks on the "Select" button.
How do I pass this value to the next page, so I could perform some more coding.
Here is the code for the last page.
FORM - TI4009_Policy_Display_Name
<%@ content_type="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" %>
<BEAN NAME="TI0021_Buyer_Name_Select" TYPE="IntegrationObject.TI0021_Buyer_Name_Select" INTROSPECT="yes" CREATE="yes" SCOPE="request">
<% TI0021_Buyer_Name_Select.doHPTransaction(request, response); %>
<P>T4011_2 Policy Display<INSERT BEAN=TI0021_Buyer_Name_Select PROPERTY=ti4011_2_buyer_display_details ></INSERT>
<% out.close(); %>
Any assistance would be much appreciated.