(I accidentally posted this in the forms forum when I should have posted it here. Oops!)
I have a 92 meg back-end mdb file with a 31 meg front-end mdb, both shared over the network. There are really only three users for this database. I'd like to ask for opinions on the following issues:
1. How large, in theory, can the back end file grow before we start to see significant issues arising?
2. What specifically would those issues be (aside from the obvious pulling-an-elephant-over-the-network issue)?
3. Would migrating to Access 2003 help solve any of these issues? (I'm sure A2K3 is still not a true client-server db)
4. If we must stay in A2K (I want to go to SQL Server, but we may not be able to for 2-3 more years...yikes!) What would I need to do to allow for the back-end to reach, say, 175, or even 200 megs (blood-curdling scream)? Is replication the answer?
If anyone is aware of any Microsoft articles addressing the limitations of mdb files, I'd appreciate the link.