Our VB6 app uses the Visual FoxPro Driver (6.00.8167.00) to work with a .DBF database. A recordset is created via rs1.Open "SELECT * FROM......" We then fill an Array with the 87 recordset fields and do record processing in the Array, which results in some (not all) changes of the original Array values. At the end of record processing the following code is executed:
For i = 0 To 86
If rs1.Fields(i) <> PlyrArray(i) Then
rs1.Fields(i) = PlyrArray(i)
End If
Next i
We get the "SQL: Statement Too Long" error on the rs1.Update statement. What could be causing this error? Thanks.
For i = 0 To 86
If rs1.Fields(i) <> PlyrArray(i) Then
rs1.Fields(i) = PlyrArray(i)
End If
Next i
We get the "SQL: Statement Too Long" error on the rs1.Update statement. What could be causing this error? Thanks.