We run several businesses that sell the same product to differing consumer groups - one is retail, one is wholesale and one is internet only.
As a result we have 3 different domain names which receive email and our employees have to be able to reply AS fred@retail.com, fred@wholesale.com or fred@internet.com depending on the email they receive.
We have each mail domain hosted with our ISP with mail items forwarding to a central, underlying, domain which is picked up by Exchange 2000 on a win2k domain controller, with our users running Outlook 2000 on Windows 98 clients but we can't seem to work out a suitable way of achieving this...
Does anyone have any suggested solutions to help us do this please?
Many thanks,
We run several businesses that sell the same product to differing consumer groups - one is retail, one is wholesale and one is internet only.
As a result we have 3 different domain names which receive email and our employees have to be able to reply AS fred@retail.com, fred@wholesale.com or fred@internet.com depending on the email they receive.
We have each mail domain hosted with our ISP with mail items forwarding to a central, underlying, domain which is picked up by Exchange 2000 on a win2k domain controller, with our users running Outlook 2000 on Windows 98 clients but we can't seem to work out a suitable way of achieving this...
Does anyone have any suggested solutions to help us do this please?
Many thanks,