I want to have a page on my site that only certain people can access. I don't want the "button" to be visible, and I don't want the "hand" to show up either. Is there a way I can do this?
well you can have a username and password! but a secret button. very interesting. I would make a button the same color as the background and put it where you want to it blends in. then i would do this
it's not something too uncommon.
Rememeber the movie "The net" with the little Pi symbol on the right corner?
You can create something similar to that. just
have a link with one dot inside and make the color of the text the same as the background,also have the pointer look as usual so if anybody hovers on top of the dot they won't see the hand.
back up.....are you using some DataBase behind all this?
If so there is no need for a "secrect button". There is no such a way of making your pages public - published where you would use HTML to hide something...now if you have some server tech. behing (ASP,CDML,JSP,PHP..) then you can use simple commands to "write out HTML" according to the user-rights-login.
The fact that ur using white colors on a white background does not mean anything...all user has to do is click-select or select-all to see that is a link on the page...the same goes for the transparent images.
good luck
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