I am new to beans, and have created one, compiled it, and in my jsp page I have used the <jsp:useBean> tag to instantiate the bean. I have then used setProperty to set the properties of the bean as required. However, for the life of me (I have been searching for like 2 hours!) I can't find a way to call the main method from the bean (not "main" as in a method called main - the method I am trying to call is "validate()").
Any help would be most appreciated, even if this is a stupid problem!
Here is the simple page:
I am new to beans, and have created one, compiled it, and in my jsp page I have used the <jsp:useBean> tag to instantiate the bean. I have then used setProperty to set the properties of the bean as required. However, for the life of me (I have been searching for like 2 hours!) I can't find a way to call the main method from the bean (not "main" as in a method called main - the method I am trying to call is "validate()").
Any help would be most appreciated, even if this is a stupid problem!
Here is the simple page:
<%@page contentType="text/html"%>
<%@page pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<%@page session="true"%>
<head><title>PanWebRadius Logon Page</title></head>
<jsp:useBean id="beanLogon" scope="session" class="Beans.RadiusLoginBean" />
<jsp:setProperty name="beanLogon" property="username" />
<jsp:setProperty name="beanLogon" property="password" />