Is it possible to retrieve a picture that is showing in an image control and send it via a network to another computer's image control. Then image control could be shrunk a bit so I would have to send the full original picture, not just take a screenshot of it.
I presume the long value you get when you interrogate Image1.Picture is the location in memory of the start of the picture stored in bitmap form (or is it something different?)
I can decode a stream at the receiving end OK but how do I get the picture data out of memory and send it in byte form (if this is the correct way to do it)?
I presume the long value you get when you interrogate Image1.Picture is the location in memory of the start of the picture stored in bitmap form (or is it something different?)
I can decode a stream at the receiving end OK but how do I get the picture data out of memory and send it in byte form (if this is the correct way to do it)?