Technical User
I recently graduated from Win98SE to Windows 2000 Pro on my machine. Just some Info: I have a 4 port linksys cable/dsl router on my roadrunner ISP. My system has Win2KPro and the second PC has Win98SE.
Heres my problem. After loading a fresh copy of Win2K, and after loading all my drivers, I pull up the DOS box and Ping Localhost (or and get the normal response. Days later when I ping the localhost, I receive a "request timed out" (and all times after as well). Even though I get this repsonse, my network connection to the second PC and and Internet connection as well as searching, downloading, and uploading files from the internet still function as normal. If I delete TCP/IP and reinstall it, the response in correct but days later I get a response time out again. I can't think of anything that I may be loading (programs) that would cause my TCP/IP stack to display this. For the life of me I cannot figure out why this is occuring. And also why everything works fine when TCP/IP times out is beyond me. Can anyone help me? This is driving me crazy - I see no logical explanation for this!!
Heres my problem. After loading a fresh copy of Win2K, and after loading all my drivers, I pull up the DOS box and Ping Localhost (or and get the normal response. Days later when I ping the localhost, I receive a "request timed out" (and all times after as well). Even though I get this repsonse, my network connection to the second PC and and Internet connection as well as searching, downloading, and uploading files from the internet still function as normal. If I delete TCP/IP and reinstall it, the response in correct but days later I get a response time out again. I can't think of anything that I may be loading (programs) that would cause my TCP/IP stack to display this. For the life of me I cannot figure out why this is occuring. And also why everything works fine when TCP/IP times out is beyond me. Can anyone help me? This is driving me crazy - I see no logical explanation for this!!