Okay, here is the hack, but I'm really not happy with it written this way:
What I would like to do is use the SetWindowText function to put certain text directly into notepad, instead of sendkeys. Can I do this somehow? I was thinking that using createprocess might be good, but I can't find the handle of the notepad text box window from the processid. Keep in mind, that I will be opening upwards of 15 different instances of notepad, so I really don't want to enum through them...
Clipboard.SetText Text1
Shell "Notepad.exe", vbNormalFocus
SendKeys Clipboard.GetText
What I would like to do is use the SetWindowText function to put certain text directly into notepad, instead of sendkeys. Can I do this somehow? I was thinking that using createprocess might be good, but I can't find the handle of the notepad text box window from the processid. Keep in mind, that I will be opening upwards of 15 different instances of notepad, so I really don't want to enum through them...