The message "Mail policy violation partial MIME block" message
appears when I attempt to receive document/attachments from a friend. I received these document attachments 2-3 times before this problem started about 2 weeks ago. the last 2-3 attempts to receive these document/attachments have been blocked. An Earthlink message states that it is a virus that cannot be removed or disabled. Can that be? What can one do about this problem? The friend that sent me the message with a document/attachment says that he has deleted the original attachment and made another copy of the document/attachment, scanned his computer for a virus, scanned the document/attachment for a virus using Avast virus scanners and no viruses have been detected. He tried to send me an email today with the document/attchment and it was again blocked and quarantined by Earthlink with the message "Mail policy violation partial MIME block" -virus
Thanks for any help or information you may have.
appears when I attempt to receive document/attachments from a friend. I received these document attachments 2-3 times before this problem started about 2 weeks ago. the last 2-3 attempts to receive these document/attachments have been blocked. An Earthlink message states that it is a virus that cannot be removed or disabled. Can that be? What can one do about this problem? The friend that sent me the message with a document/attachment says that he has deleted the original attachment and made another copy of the document/attachment, scanned his computer for a virus, scanned the document/attachment for a virus using Avast virus scanners and no viruses have been detected. He tried to send me an email today with the document/attchment and it was again blocked and quarantined by Earthlink with the message "Mail policy violation partial MIME block" -virus
Thanks for any help or information you may have.