Could any one please provide hint on how to deploy a "J2EE application client" ?
Here's what I have:
1. I used WSAD wizards to created an EJB project, with some session beans ("remote").
2. I Used WSAD wizards to create a "J2EE application client" project.
Added a "main" method that tries to obtain some service from the above-mentioned Session Bean.
3. I successfully ran the client on my local machine (so both the EJB project & the client project are running on the same WSAD ).
I used the WSAD menu option "Run as -> WAS 5 application client"
4. My question: how do you deploy that "client project" on a remote machine (so that you have machine 1 for the EJB server, and machine 2 for the client) ?
In particular:
- *where* do you tell the client what's the server URL?
- when clinet invokes "new InitialContext().lookup(MY_HOME_INTRFACE)", what context is it, and how does it find the Home that's registered (by JNDI) on another machine ?
Could any one please provide hint on how to deploy a "J2EE application client" ?
Here's what I have:
1. I used WSAD wizards to created an EJB project, with some session beans ("remote").
2. I Used WSAD wizards to create a "J2EE application client" project.
Added a "main" method that tries to obtain some service from the above-mentioned Session Bean.
3. I successfully ran the client on my local machine (so both the EJB project & the client project are running on the same WSAD ).
I used the WSAD menu option "Run as -> WAS 5 application client"
4. My question: how do you deploy that "client project" on a remote machine (so that you have machine 1 for the EJB server, and machine 2 for the client) ?
In particular:
- *where* do you tell the client what's the server URL?
- when clinet invokes "new InitialContext().lookup(MY_HOME_INTRFACE)", what context is it, and how does it find the Home that's registered (by JNDI) on another machine ?