This is the error I get when I try to assign a default SQL statement to my application:
"Invalid character value for cast specification"
This is what the function looked like before:
CString CAccountSet::GetDefaultSQL()
return _T("[dbo].
This is what the function looks like when I get the error:
CString CAccountSet::GetDefaultSQL()
CString Select;
Select = "SELECT FirstName\n"
"FROM table\n"
"Where FirstName<>''\n"
"Order By LastName";
return _T(Select);
//return _T("[dbo].
I've tried
return Select;
return "Select";
return _T("Select"
Can anyone shed some light on what my problem is?
"Invalid character value for cast specification"
This is what the function looked like before:
CString CAccountSet::GetDefaultSQL()
return _T("[dbo].
This is what the function looks like when I get the error:
CString CAccountSet::GetDefaultSQL()
CString Select;
Select = "SELECT FirstName\n"
"FROM table\n"
"Where FirstName<>''\n"
"Order By LastName";
return _T(Select);
//return _T("[dbo].
I've tried
return Select;
return "Select";
return _T("Select"
Can anyone shed some light on what my problem is?