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"INSERT INTO" syntax error for time valued field

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Feb 5, 2001

My asp "INSERT INTO" codes has no problem adding data into an Access2K table (about 9 fields in total) until I tried to add another field, say, "TimeStamp" to a Date/Time field in the table. The data in this hidden form field comes from Time(). While the 9th field, "DateStamp", from Date(), did not cause any problem, I kept getting browser error saying there is some syntax error whenever I included the "TimeStamp" field. Is there special syntax associated with adding a time value from ASP to Access db?



The following is the partial listing of the code, it worked up to the last part of the sSQL when I tried to add time into the TimeSampl field in db. If I take it out, the db would be updated properly.

sTable = &quot;tblGuestbook&quot;

' Get the name of the file executing this routine
sScript = Request.ServerVariables(&quot;SCRIPT_NAME&quot;)

IF NOT isempty( Request.Form ( &quot;Submit&quot; )) THEN

' Get the Form Variables
sFirstName = TRIM( Request( &quot;FirstName&quot; ) )
sLastName = TRIM( Request( &quot;LastName&quot; ) )
sEmailAddr1 = TRIM( Request( &quot;EmailAddr1&quot; ) )
sOrganization= TRIM( Request( &quot;Organization&quot; ) )
sURL1 = TRIM( Request( &quot;URL1&quot; ) )
sCategory = TRIM( Request( &quot;Category&quot; ) )
sSubject = TRIM( Request( &quot;Subject&quot; ) )
sComment = TRIM( Request( &quot;Comment&quot; ) )
sDateStamp = Date()
sTimeStamp = Time()

Set oConn = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Connection&quot;)
oConn.Open getConnString()

sSQL = &quot;INSERT INTO &quot; & sTable
sSQL = sSQL & &quot; ( &quot;
sSQL = sSQL & &quot;FirstName, LastName, EmailAddr1, Organization, URL1, Category, Subject, Comment, DateStamp&quot;
ssQL = sSQL & &quot; ) &quot;
sSQL = sSQL & &quot;VALUES&quot;
sSQL = sSQL & &quot; ( &quot;
sSQL = sSQL & &quot;'&quot; & sFirstName & &quot;', &quot;
sSQL = sSQL & &quot;'&quot; & sLastName & &quot;', &quot;
sSQL = sSQL & &quot;'&quot; & sEmailAddr1 & &quot;', &quot;
sSQL = sSQL & &quot;'&quot; & sOrganization & &quot;', &quot;
sSQL = sSQL & &quot;'&quot; & sURL1 & &quot;', &quot;
sSQL = sSQL & &quot;'&quot; & sCategory & &quot;', &quot;
sSQL = sSQL & &quot;'&quot; & sSubject & &quot;', &quot;
sSQL = sSQL & &quot;'&quot; & sComment & &quot;', &quot;
sSQL = sSQL & &quot;'&quot; & sDateStamp & &quot;', &quot;
sSQL = sSQL & &quot;'&quot; & sTimeStamp & &quot;' &quot;
sSQL = sSQL & &quot; ) &quot;

oConn.Execute sSQL

Set oConn = Nothing
Minor correction:

sSQL = sSQL & &quot;FirstName, LastName, EmailAddr1, Organization, URL1, Category, Subject, Comment, DateStamp&quot;

should have a TimeStamp at the end:

sSQL = sSQL & &quot;FirstName, LastName, EmailAddr1, Organization, URL1, Category, Subject, Comment, DateStamp, TimeStamp&quot;

Can you response.write the sql to the browser so that we can see the actual data that its trying to insert?

This is the Response.Write of my SQL string and the browser returned error:

INSERT INTO tblGuestbook ( FirstName, LastName, EmailAddr1, Organization, URL1, Category, Subject, Comment, DateStamp, TimeStamp ) VALUES ( 'FirstName Text', 'LastName Text', 'email@address', 'Organization Text', 'URL Text', 'Other', 'Subject Text', 'Comment Line 1', '7/25/01', '9:29:14 AM' )

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.



/projects/iisig/guestbook/guestbook_functions.asp, line 84
Did you set the data type of timestamp field to Long Time?
Also try to put # instead of ' for date and time fields on the SQL statement.


The TimeStamp field in the db has the format of Long Time.

If I take this TimeStamp field out and leave the DateStamp in, the record would be added without error. Just tried to wrap the TimeStamp value with either # sign without single quote or '# ... #', still got the syntax error.


check your computers &quot;Regional Settings Properties&quot; dialog box in Windows Control Panel. This should be the same as your &quot;Long Time&quot; format specified in your database.

you may also try to force the format of the time stamp (dont know the Syntax in access but MS-SQL is something like ('09:15:01 AM', 'HH:MM:SS AM')

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