I just started to learn vb. When I run this program I get "Run Time Error - Input past end of life" What does that mean & How can I fix it?
Dim intTotal As Integer, intItem As Integer
Dim strItem As String
Open "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\vb
lessons\Tut06\lc5.dat" For Input As #1
Do While Not EOF(1)
Input #1, strItem, intItem
strItem = Left(strItem, 3)
Select Case strItem
Case "ABC"
intTotal = intTotal + Val(intItem)
lblTotal.Caption = "The Total Number of
Parts ABC11 sold is"
lblGtotal = intTotal
Case "BDX"
intTotal = intTotal + Val(intItem)
lblTotal.Caption = "The Total Number of
Parts BDX22 sold is"
lblGtotal = intTotal
Case "CVA"
intTotal = intTotal + Val(intItem)
lblTotal.Caption = "The Total Number of
Part CVA33 sold is"
lblGtotal = intTotal
End Select
Close #1
End Sub
Dim intTotal As Integer, intItem As Integer
Dim strItem As String
Open "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\vb
lessons\Tut06\lc5.dat" For Input As #1
Do While Not EOF(1)
Input #1, strItem, intItem
strItem = Left(strItem, 3)
Select Case strItem
Case "ABC"
intTotal = intTotal + Val(intItem)
lblTotal.Caption = "The Total Number of
Parts ABC11 sold is"
lblGtotal = intTotal
Case "BDX"
intTotal = intTotal + Val(intItem)
lblTotal.Caption = "The Total Number of
Parts BDX22 sold is"
lblGtotal = intTotal
Case "CVA"
intTotal = intTotal + Val(intItem)
lblTotal.Caption = "The Total Number of
Part CVA33 sold is"
lblGtotal = intTotal
End Select
Close #1
End Sub