Hi There,
I've got a problem with this "From Vba statement". The query works in SQL and with only one LEFT JOIN in Vba but when I add the second or third I get a "Syntax error in From clause"
"FROM [trust staff] LEFT JOIN tblahp ON [trust staff].SHORT_GRADE = tblahp.ShortGradegroups, LEFT JOIN [Service Descriptions] ON [trust staff].DIV = [Service Descriptions].D_DIV, LEFT JOIN [Discipline Descriptions] ON [trust staff].DISCIPLINE = [Discipline Descriptions].D_DISCIPLINE " & _
Can anyone tell me why. I will post the full statement if required.
I've got a problem with this "From Vba statement". The query works in SQL and with only one LEFT JOIN in Vba but when I add the second or third I get a "Syntax error in From clause"
"FROM [trust staff] LEFT JOIN tblahp ON [trust staff].SHORT_GRADE = tblahp.ShortGradegroups, LEFT JOIN [Service Descriptions] ON [trust staff].DIV = [Service Descriptions].D_DIV, LEFT JOIN [Discipline Descriptions] ON [trust staff].DISCIPLINE = [Discipline Descriptions].D_DISCIPLINE " & _
Can anyone tell me why. I will post the full statement if required.