Has anybody come across the above message. What is basically happening is I'm trying to close down a window with a VBA script running in it. And a message box if appearing with
"Warning" Error Number 0 (00000000)
File cannot be closed for one of the following reasons.
1. Script may be running or paused.
2. A modal box is displayed in VBA.
3. The file is currently opening.
And an 'OK' button
Now I don't mind it coming up with this as it a genuine error but what I would really like to do is trap it so that I can close the window down when it is finished running. Unfortunately it appears not to be a trappable error!
Has anyone any ideas how I can trap it or use some sort of API call to disable it, or how they managed to get around it.
Any comments gratefully recieved,
Has anybody come across the above message. What is basically happening is I'm trying to close down a window with a VBA script running in it. And a message box if appearing with
"Warning" Error Number 0 (00000000)
File cannot be closed for one of the following reasons.
1. Script may be running or paused.
2. A modal box is displayed in VBA.
3. The file is currently opening.
And an 'OK' button
Now I don't mind it coming up with this as it a genuine error but what I would really like to do is trap it so that I can close the window down when it is finished running. Unfortunately it appears not to be a trappable error!
Has anyone any ideas how I can trap it or use some sort of API call to disable it, or how they managed to get around it.
Any comments gratefully recieved,