We receive a number of similar but slightly different files from our vendors that need to be massaged into a common format for transmission to yet another vendor for processing. My predecessor wrote a new VB6 program each time a new input file format was encountered, with the expected maintenance nightmare as a result. I have been asked to combine all these programs. I thought it would be simple since they all stem from the same root with all of the actual processing done within a single module. These modules are all very similar with the differences being mainly to handle differences in the order of the columns in the input files and the account numbers needed in the output. I was able to condense the various processing modules down into just three. My plan was to build a drop-down from which to select the vendor the input file is from. This triggers a database lookup where the account parameters and the name of the correct processing module are read into variables. I then want to call the processing module and pass it the account number variables. My problem is that this returns an error "expected procedure not variable". I typed my variable as Procedure but this did not work. Is there any way I can do what I want? It seemed such a good idea at the time.