I'm using SASMTP from softartisans,
when sending the email message body as HTML and an attachment it works fine, when the receiver of the email uses a PC.
BUT with MAC users they receive html tags instead of text/html format.
Can anyone please help this is the code:
Set Mailer = Server.CreateObject("SoftArtisans.SMTPMail"
'--- Get and print the internal version number
Dim strVer
strVer = Mailer.Version
'Response.Write "SA-SMTPMAIL Version: " + strVer
'--- Set Properties for The name of the sender (FromName) and their email address (FromAddress)
Mailer.FromName = "gav"
Mailer.FromAddress = "gavin@kool.com"
'--- Add the recipient who will receive the email.
mailer.addrecipient firstname, myAddressString
'--- Add carbon copy to another recipent if needed
'mailer.addcc "my recipient 2", "destination2@unknown.com"
'--- Body of text
Mailer.bodytext = myString
'--- This sets the character set.
'--- 1 = US ASCII , 2 = ISO-9959-1
mailer.charset = 1
'--- This works if the recipient's e-mail program 'supports confirmation.
'mailer.confirmread = true
'--- You set the ContentType header of a message'sBodyText.
mailer.ContentType = "text/html"
'--- Set if you use a character set other than the types you can set.
'mailer.customcharset = "big5"
'--- Used to override the default date/time header
'mailer.datetime = "Fri, 02 May 1997 10:53:49 -0500"
'--- Sets encoding type for any attachments.
'--- Value can be 1 for UUEncoded (Default) or 2 for MIME.
mailer.encoding = 2
'--- Sets the Organization header.
mailer.organization = "SA SMTP Org"
'--- Recipient's SMTP server sends a notice confirming that the e-mail has been delivered.
'--- Only if users server supports notifcation.
'mailer.returnreceipt = true
'--- Sets Subject line for the message
mailer.subject = "Job Application"
'--- The Encodeheader method encodes a string in RFC1522 format to provide support for 8-bit mail headers.
'mailer.subject = mailer.Encodeheader("££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££"
'--- Used for Logging Debugging log
mailer.smtplog = "c:\mysmtplog.txt"
'--- This property works in conjunction with the SMTPLog property to
'--- indicate whether the log file receives a copy of the message text
'mailer.suppressmsgbody = false
'--- This property indicates whether the message will word wrap.
'mailer.wordwrap = true
'--- This property sets the position at which the message body wraps
'--- if the WordWrap property is set
'mailer.wordwraplen = 50
'--- This property indicates the maximum amount of time, in seconds,
'--- that SA-SmtpMail waits for a response from the remote SMTP server
'mailer.timeout = 120
'--- This method adds extra X-Headers to the message's mail envelope
'mailer.addextraheader "x-mycompany: specialinstruction"
'--- This method adds attachments to current message.
mailer.addattachment "e:\data\info\prof\" & CV & ""
'mailer.addattachment "c:\ntdetect.com"
'mailer.addattachment "c:\boot.ini"
'--- This property lets you test that SA-SmtpMail works, without
'--- actually having an SMTP server.
'mailer.live = false
'--- Set the Remote Host (SMTP) Host that we'll send this mail thru.
'--- We set a condition to verify that Remote Host is correct.
'strMailHost = "server.xft.com"
strMailHost = "mail.diexnet.com"
if strMailHost = "" then
Response.Write "<h2 align=center>Error: You need to change the mailhost to your SMTP server address</h2>"
Mailer.RemoteHost = strMailHost
end if
'--- Set priority and if message is urgent. Prioritys are 1, 3, 5 and
'--- are reflected in the X-Priority header
'--- 1 = High, 3 = Normal, 5 = Low
Mailer.Priority = 1
'---This property sets a flag in the outgoing message that indicates
'---the message is urgent
Mailer.Urgent = true
'--- Sends the message and can be used to verify if there if it has been sent.
if Mailer.SendMail then
Response.Write "<p><font face=verdana color=green><f2>Mail sent..."
Response.Write "<p>Mail failure. Check mail host server name and tcp/ip connection..."
end if
'--- This method returns the path for temporary mail files set by the operating system
'response.write "<BR> " & mailer.gettemppath
'--- This property returns any errors.
'response.write "<br> " & mailer.response
set Mailer = nothing
I'm using SASMTP from softartisans,
when sending the email message body as HTML and an attachment it works fine, when the receiver of the email uses a PC.
BUT with MAC users they receive html tags instead of text/html format.
Can anyone please help this is the code:
Set Mailer = Server.CreateObject("SoftArtisans.SMTPMail"
'--- Get and print the internal version number
Dim strVer
strVer = Mailer.Version
'Response.Write "SA-SMTPMAIL Version: " + strVer
'--- Set Properties for The name of the sender (FromName) and their email address (FromAddress)
Mailer.FromName = "gav"
Mailer.FromAddress = "gavin@kool.com"
'--- Add the recipient who will receive the email.
mailer.addrecipient firstname, myAddressString
'--- Add carbon copy to another recipent if needed
'mailer.addcc "my recipient 2", "destination2@unknown.com"
'--- Body of text
Mailer.bodytext = myString
'--- This sets the character set.
'--- 1 = US ASCII , 2 = ISO-9959-1
mailer.charset = 1
'--- This works if the recipient's e-mail program 'supports confirmation.
'mailer.confirmread = true
'--- You set the ContentType header of a message'sBodyText.
mailer.ContentType = "text/html"
'--- Set if you use a character set other than the types you can set.
'mailer.customcharset = "big5"
'--- Used to override the default date/time header
'mailer.datetime = "Fri, 02 May 1997 10:53:49 -0500"
'--- Sets encoding type for any attachments.
'--- Value can be 1 for UUEncoded (Default) or 2 for MIME.
mailer.encoding = 2
'--- Sets the Organization header.
mailer.organization = "SA SMTP Org"
'--- Recipient's SMTP server sends a notice confirming that the e-mail has been delivered.
'--- Only if users server supports notifcation.
'mailer.returnreceipt = true
'--- Sets Subject line for the message
mailer.subject = "Job Application"
'--- The Encodeheader method encodes a string in RFC1522 format to provide support for 8-bit mail headers.
'mailer.subject = mailer.Encodeheader("££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££"
'--- Used for Logging Debugging log
mailer.smtplog = "c:\mysmtplog.txt"
'--- This property works in conjunction with the SMTPLog property to
'--- indicate whether the log file receives a copy of the message text
'mailer.suppressmsgbody = false
'--- This property indicates whether the message will word wrap.
'mailer.wordwrap = true
'--- This property sets the position at which the message body wraps
'--- if the WordWrap property is set
'mailer.wordwraplen = 50
'--- This property indicates the maximum amount of time, in seconds,
'--- that SA-SmtpMail waits for a response from the remote SMTP server
'mailer.timeout = 120
'--- This method adds extra X-Headers to the message's mail envelope
'mailer.addextraheader "x-mycompany: specialinstruction"
'--- This method adds attachments to current message.
mailer.addattachment "e:\data\info\prof\" & CV & ""
'mailer.addattachment "c:\ntdetect.com"
'mailer.addattachment "c:\boot.ini"
'--- This property lets you test that SA-SmtpMail works, without
'--- actually having an SMTP server.
'mailer.live = false
'--- Set the Remote Host (SMTP) Host that we'll send this mail thru.
'--- We set a condition to verify that Remote Host is correct.
'strMailHost = "server.xft.com"
strMailHost = "mail.diexnet.com"
if strMailHost = "" then
Response.Write "<h2 align=center>Error: You need to change the mailhost to your SMTP server address</h2>"
Mailer.RemoteHost = strMailHost
end if
'--- Set priority and if message is urgent. Prioritys are 1, 3, 5 and
'--- are reflected in the X-Priority header
'--- 1 = High, 3 = Normal, 5 = Low
Mailer.Priority = 1
'---This property sets a flag in the outgoing message that indicates
'---the message is urgent
Mailer.Urgent = true
'--- Sends the message and can be used to verify if there if it has been sent.
if Mailer.SendMail then
Response.Write "<p><font face=verdana color=green><f2>Mail sent..."
Response.Write "<p>Mail failure. Check mail host server name and tcp/ip connection..."
end if
'--- This method returns the path for temporary mail files set by the operating system
'response.write "<BR> " & mailer.gettemppath
'--- This property returns any errors.
'response.write "<br> " & mailer.response
set Mailer = nothing