I have secured my database with Access User Level Security and workgroups and now users are required to log on to access it. I have a table called "tblUsers" which contains "UserID" and "Name" amongst other fields. The people who log into the database use the same User IDs as corresponds to their record in "tblUsers". What I would like to do is place a text box on a form which will display the Name (not the user ID of the person who has logged in). I can easily get the textbox to show the Current user using "=[currentuser]" as the control source but this is not what I want. I have tried:
"=DLookUp("[Name]",tblusers","CurrentUser() = [UserID]"" but the control source returns #Name?
"=DLookUp("[Name]",tblusers","CurrentUser() = [UserID]"" but the control source returns #Name?