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"Connected" to the iSeries but no 5250 emulation Screen

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Jan 11, 2001
Hi Everyone,

I have clients that need to connect remotely (via the internet through a vpn) to our iSeries. The software on the client pc is iSeries Access for Windows (Session Manager version 5.8 for windows)

The user gets the prompt to connect and once the user name and password are entered, at the bottom of the screen it says CONNECTED, but no 5250 emulation screen is displayed. If they TELNET at the DOS prompt to the iseries, they can get a VT100 screen, so I know that the TELNET server is started.

The connnection also says that they areconnect to the host, but not to the host application and that I am running in NVT mode.

Any ideas on what would cause this and what can be done/checked to resolve, would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance
Is the As400, configured to auto setup the new devices????
Hi,yes it is. The users have no problem connecting via the LAN using the same software.
So the problem raises it's ugly head, when you connect via the VPN. Connecting locally is no problem. At this point, I would say the problem lies in the VPN. I connect at my house via a Juniper VPN, thru a secure Web site,, and Client Access works fine. I would assume they use the same AS400 Display file, to connect. If they can ping it, they should be able to connect to it. TN5250 is pretty plain jane no frills. Any more info on the VPN you can give us??
Well the VPN allows all services to the clients specified. However, I actually downloaded a shareware 5250 client yesterday and was able to use it to connect without error. So the problem seems to lie with Client Access. Any other ideas for I'm ready to chuck it and purchase the shareware product.
Maybe your firewall? Client Access uses more than just port 23 (Telnet).

Solum potestis prohibere ignes silvarum.

I checked that all those ports in that document are open on the iSeries. My firewall is not port based, but it's a Checkpoint Secure VPN that allows all services to the specified clients. So I don't know what else to check.
Is the session name unique? If that session is already running, it will only show a blank screen. When using straight telnet, if I recall, it will use QPDAVxxxx (or something like that) with an iterative number (xxxx) that the iSeries assigns. Check in WRKACTJOB to see if that name is already being used. Then change the client.

The user can connect to the iSeries if connected to the LAN and therefore a device will be created system. However when the user tries to connect remotely, the device on the iSeries says vary on pending and no connection is made. If I delete the device, a new device is not created when the user attempts to connect via the VPN. Message says connected but no screen.
can you start a telnet session on the as400 using a dos session? telnet the ip address of the machine and you should (if it works) get a sign on screen
This is worth trying at the client:
CWBPING systemname

This is a special 'ping' command that verifies the various services can be reached.
Did the CWBPING, everything is fine. I gave up on that. Bought a 5250 emulation client program and that works so I'm not working on this anymore. Thanks everyone for all the assistance.
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