I'm doing 3 book designs in InDesign 3.0.1 and converting to PDF to send for proofing/printing. One was set mainly in Palatino: no problem. The others were mainly in Joanna and Bembo respectively. On the last, Acrobat warned (while converting) "Cannot extract embedded font 'QTNAZF+MBembo'. Some characters may not display or print correctly." The next message said "A drawing error occurred which is probably due to an out-of-memory condition. Try quitting other progs." All text in Bembo is invisible in the PDF. The font's name is MBembo, so what is the stuff in front of the plus-sign and does this point to the problem? The same happened with the book set in Joanna—but although the Joanna text was not displayed on my Mac, the proofreaders could read it on their PCs (I use a G4 PowerBook, with Acrobat Professional 6). Is it likely to be a problem with InDesign, or Acrobat, or even OS-X (10.4.7)?
Any help much appreciated.
Any help much appreciated.