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"AutoUpgrade" function for Access97 2

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May 9, 2001
I have a database that is currently setup as:
(1) Backend Data - stored on shared network drive
(2) Frontend DB - "Installed" on users' machines

The backend holds a table that contains the LATEST DB version number available.

The frontend holds a table that contains it's version number.

Upon opening the frontend database, I want it to check if it is the latest version. If not, then I want it to close down, copy the new frontend to the local drive and restart.

Obviously I cannot copy the new file while the database is open. Therefore I tried the following:

(1) Created a BAT file that pauses before copying the file.
(2) Code within Access calls the BAT file (using the SHELL command) then quits Access.
(3) The user presses a key, the file is copied and the frontend is opened.

That is the theory anyway. It doesn't seem to be working as planned. Two main problems:

(1) The BAT file doesn't run properly from Access. I see the MS DOS PROMPT flash up on the start bar, then disappear. Therefore the BAT file doesn't actually run.

(2) When I run the BAT file manually, the database opens. However, the MS DOS PROMPT does not exit until the database has closed. I would like it to close as soon as the DB is launched.

Can anyone help me setup an AUTOUPGRADE feature?

Many thanks,
I do something similar. I check the local table's version against a backend table's version. If the version is different, I ask the user if he/she wants to upgrade. If the user responds positively, I build a BAT file, use the Shell command to execute it and quit the application. The BAT file takes the new copy, automatically re-opens the (new) application and deletes itself (the BAT file). Here is the code that I use:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Global strCmd As String      ' holds the contents of the /cmd command-line parameter
Const conDoubleQuote = """"  ' holds a double-quote to delimit path names with imbedded spaces

Public Function CheckDatabaseVersion()
'   Check to see that this copy of the database is the latest and, if not,
'   automatically replace it with the newer version
    Dim db As Database
    Dim rst As Recordset
    Dim strFileName As String
    Dim strDatabaseName As String
    Dim strLocalPath As String
    Dim dblMasterVersion As Double
    Dim dblLocalVersion As Double
    Dim varRet

    Const conMasterPath = "D:\Applications\"                                 ' location of new front-end database
'   First, split the current database name into the file name and the path
    Set db = CurrentDb()
    strLocalPath = db.Name
    strDatabaseName = ""
    Do While Right$(strLocalPath, 1) <> "\"
        strDatabaseName = Right$(strLocalPath, 1) & strDatabaseName
        strLocalPath = left$(strLocalPath, Len(strLocalPath) - 1)

'   Next, obtain the highest version number in the master database "Version Info" table
    Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT Max(tblVersionInfo.VersionNumber) AS VersionNumber FROM tblVersionInfo IN '" & conMasterPath & strDatabaseName & "';")
    dblMasterVersion = rst!VersionNumber
'   Then, obtain the highest version number in the local database's "Version Info" table
    Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT Max(tblVersionInfo.VersionNumber) AS VersionNumber FROM tblVersionInfo;")
    dblLocalVersion = rst!VersionNumber
'   If the local version is lower than the master version, ask the user if he wants to take a new copy
'   (unless the database was opened with a /cmd parameter on the command-line
    If dblLocalVersion < dblMasterVersion Then
        If strCmd = "" Then
            varRet = MsgBox("A newer version of the " & strDatabaseName & " database was found.@The newest version is " & Format(dblMasterVersion, "#.00") & ", your version is " & Format(dblLocalVersion, "#.00") & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & "Using your current version may cause you to miss new features and may cause unpredictable results in existing features.@Do you want to update your database to the newest version?", vbYesNo)
            varRet = vbYes
        End If
        If varRet = vbYes Then                                      ' take a new copy
            Call UpdateDatabaseVersion(strDatabaseName, strLocalPath, conMasterPath)
        End If
    End If
    Set db = Nothing
    Exit Function

    MsgBox Err.Description
    Debug.Print Err.Description
    Debug.Print "Could not check for newer version"
    Resume CheckDatabaseVersion_Exit

End Function

Private Sub UpdateDatabaseVersion(strDatabaseName As String, strLocalPath As String, strMasterPath As String)
'   Update the current database with a newer version by creating a batch file that will
'   overlay the current database with the newer database and restart the database
    Dim strAccessDir As String          ' where MS-Access is located on the user's PC
    Dim strLDBName As String
    On Error GoTo UpdateDatabaseVersion_Err
'   Get the location of MS-Access on the local PC
    strAccessDir = SysCmd(acSysCmdAccessDir)
'   Create the name of the LDB file that matches the local database that is being replaced
    strLDBName = strDatabaseName
    If InStr(strLDBName, ".") = 0 Then
        strLDBName = strLDBName & ".ldb"
        Do While Right$(strLDBName, 1) <> "."
            strLDBName = left$(strLDBName, Len(strLDBName) - 1)
        strLDBName = strLDBName & "ldb"
    End If
'   Build a new batch file in the same directory as the current database
    Open strLocalPath & "UPDTVER.BAT" For Output As #1
    Print #1, ":Loop"
    Print #1, "IF EXIST " & conDoubleQuote & strLocalPath & strLDBName & conDoubleQuote & " GOTO Loop"
    Print #1, "COPY " & conDoubleQuote & strMasterPath & strDatabaseName & conDoubleQuote & " " & conDoubleQuote & strLocalPath & strDatabaseName & conDoubleQuote
    Print #1, conDoubleQuote & strAccessDir & "Msaccess.exe" & conDoubleQuote & " " & conDoubleQuote & strLocalPath & strDatabaseName & conDoubleQuote & IIf(strCmd = "", "", " /cmd" & strCmd)
    Print #1, "DEL " & conDoubleQuote & strLocalPath & "UPDTVER.BAT" & conDoubleQuote
    Close #1
'   Invoke the batch file
    Shell strLocalPath & "UPDTVER.BAT", vbHide  ',vbNormalFocus
'   Quit this database
    Exit Sub

    MsgBox Err.Description
    Debug.Print Err.Description
    Debug.Print "Could not check for newer version"
    Resume UpdateDatabaseVersion_Exit
End Sub

[shadeshappy] Cruising the Information Superhighway
(your mileage may vary)
Ah! Very clever. You have a loop at the beginning of the BAT file that checks to see if the database is still open by looking for the LDB file.

I had got this working by making the BAT file wait a couple of seconds before continuing. Yours works on the same assumption that the BAT file would run before the DB had closed properly. However, your solution is very good, and a lot more reliable.

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