If you have one that already exists you can start by going to expert mode (this is V5) and then typing:
stno = station you want to copy.
It should give you a dump of the core info for that station. Copy and paste that into the command line, edit the station number, and edit the PEN number to another SIP PEN and press Enter. That should create the station. From this point I'm lazy and use Assistant to edit anything else I want to change.
To explain further, I have a single extension that has a special purpose and forwards directly to an answering machine. Because the answering machine has reached the end of its lifecycle- the tape broke, Im looking to replace it with an SIP softphone client that acts as a voicemail client to provide message notification (outbound calling). However I currently only have Optipoint 500s on the system. I know it is SIP ready.
SIP Subscribers were first possible in V3. The config changed drastically in V4. Therefore you must provide the HiPath 4000 version number before anyone can provide an accurate response.
If you are not familiar with AMO config using these following AMOs, then yes, you are probably going to struggle with this one:
AMO BFDAT - to build a Function Block to assign "SIP" to a STMI board
AMO BCSU - to build the STMI board, with the Function Block from AMO BFDAT
AMO CGWB - needed to assign IP Address, netmask, default gateway, CODEC info, etc.
AMO SBCSU - used to build the actual SIP phone(s)
AMO SDAT - needed to add the attributes MBCHL & (possibly) DMCALLWD
I can post some sample configurations over the weekend if you would like to give it a try.
This config is not difficult, but tedious if you are not familiar with the AMO process.
Well... On a positive note, that might make your job easier.
If they HAVE configured the slot for the board to go in then you can at least install the board.
Then you can use BFDAT to partition the board for whatever types of phones you want without having to deal with phones already being on it.
Then you configure all of the IP stuff for the board to go on your customer LAN - that will be the gateway address you use on the phones. Once you get an IP address on the board you can hit the IP address and use the web interface on the board to do the rest of the setup.
One you make it past there all you have to do is build the phones P
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