For general reference. Would appreciate follow-up comments.
Partner phone systems have had several voice mail options made by AT&T/Lucent/Avaya. Here's a quick view of what's been made and the major differences between them.
Partner Mail System
Releases 1 - 3
External box (PC sized)
up to 6 ports, 100 mailboxes, 21 hours
Directory assitance (name lookup)
No longer manufactured.
Partner Mail VS
Releases 1 - 5
Up to 4 ports, 48 mailboxes, 100 hours
Single Partner card fits in 2- or 5-slot carrier
Supports record-a-call (4-port only)
No longer manufactured.
Partner Messaging PC Card
Releases 1 - 3
Up to 4 ports, 12 mailboxes, 120 minutes
PC Card packging, plugs into ACS processor.
Partner Messaging
Releases 1 - 6
Single Partner card fits in 2- or 5-slot carrier
2,4, or 6 port (requires PC card "license" plugin)
200 mailboxes, 100 hours storage, configurable limits per mailbox
RS-232 and Ethernet ports for sysadmin from PC
Unified Messaging architecture; allows download of messages to PC software
Record-a-call support (4- or 6-port configs only)
Partner phone systems have had several voice mail options made by AT&T/Lucent/Avaya. Here's a quick view of what's been made and the major differences between them.
Partner Mail System
Releases 1 - 3
External box (PC sized)
up to 6 ports, 100 mailboxes, 21 hours
Directory assitance (name lookup)
No longer manufactured.
Partner Mail VS
Releases 1 - 5
Up to 4 ports, 48 mailboxes, 100 hours
Single Partner card fits in 2- or 5-slot carrier
Supports record-a-call (4-port only)
No longer manufactured.
Partner Messaging PC Card
Releases 1 - 3
Up to 4 ports, 12 mailboxes, 120 minutes
PC Card packging, plugs into ACS processor.
Partner Messaging
Releases 1 - 6
Single Partner card fits in 2- or 5-slot carrier
2,4, or 6 port (requires PC card "license" plugin)
200 mailboxes, 100 hours storage, configurable limits per mailbox
RS-232 and Ethernet ports for sysadmin from PC
Unified Messaging architecture; allows download of messages to PC software
Record-a-call support (4- or 6-port configs only)