Hopefully someone can refresh my memory. I have an account receiving quite a bit of spam, and I want to allow mail only from a certain domain.
In my .qmail file I have this:
| echo "$SENDER" | grep -Eqi "(@mydomain\.com$" >> /dev/null
& goodmail@mydomain.com
Will this work in forwarding all mails from mydomain.com to another address, and ignoring the rest?
Hopefully someone can refresh my memory. I have an account receiving quite a bit of spam, and I want to allow mail only from a certain domain.
In my .qmail file I have this:
| echo "$SENDER" | grep -Eqi "(@mydomain\.com$" >> /dev/null
& goodmail@mydomain.com
Will this work in forwarding all mails from mydomain.com to another address, and ignoring the rest?