We have a Definity ECS at our main location and a Cisco Call Manager at the satellite location.
I have agents at the satellite location and have been using centrevu ip agent software to trap data for CMS. Probem is that when a call comes to their queue that belongs in a queue at the main location and they transfer, the call stays on their phone and won't allow them to drop the call until the person is done.If they do drop it, it kills the call too. Any ideas are greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I have agents at the satellite location and have been using centrevu ip agent software to trap data for CMS. Probem is that when a call comes to their queue that belongs in a queue at the main location and they transfer, the call stays on their phone and won't allow them to drop the call until the person is done.If they do drop it, it kills the call too. Any ideas are greatly appreciated. Thanks.