I have a system that uses vic2-E&M ports to mulicast some audio from one building to three others, the audio is all one way, and every once in a while, it seems we Loose something, ( I don't really know what) the only symptom is that the audio level goes from 1-2 Millivolts rms to 9-10 volts RMS or -50 DB range to the -30 range, re-booting the router either locally or remotely seems to solve the problem until the next time it happens
I'm "guessing" that it is some kind of "Ground loop" problem but since not readily repeatable I'm not sure
the systems themselves are on UPS's that are also grounded to the same ground, nothing in the logs of the ups or the router indicate anything, any thoughts are appriciated
I'm "guessing" that it is some kind of "Ground loop" problem but since not readily repeatable I'm not sure
the systems themselves are on UPS's that are also grounded to the same ground, nothing in the logs of the ups or the router indicate anything, any thoughts are appriciated