I have a table as the follwoing:
RI Region Time
6.6 2 2006-01-23
8.1 1 2006-01-03
5.1 2 2006-01-03
3.4 2 2006-01-07
7.2 2 2006-01-07
3.5 2 2006-01-09
6.2 3 2006-01-10
6.1 2 2006-01-09
11.0 2 2006-01-18
4.3 6 2006-01-18
5.4 1 2006-01-05
11.3 2 2006-01-19
I have a function to calculate the percentile of the column RI. If I donot control the Time in my Query, it works well.
But if I add:
Where(Case.Time)>=[Forms]![frmWitness]![txtStartDate] And (Case.Time)<=[Forms]![frmWitness]![txtEndDate]
it doesnot work.
Any one can help me? Many many Thanks.
The following function is from internet:
Public Function calpercentile(fldName As String, tblName As String, p As Double, Optional strWHERE As String = "") As Double
'Note tblName can also be the name of a query or view
Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
'Dim Cdb As Database
'Dim rst As Recordset
'Other Vars
Dim break_pt As Double
Dim sqlSort As String
Dim low_obs As Long, high_obs As Long
Dim r1 As Double, r2 As Double, x As Double
Dim N As Long
Dim recno As Long
If (p <= 0 Or p >= 100) Then
calpercentile = -555555555 'Something to stick out!
Exit Function
End If
If Len(strWHERE) < 1 Then
sqlSort = "SELECT [" & fldName & "] " & _
"FROM [" & tblName & "] " & _
"ORDER BY [" & fldName & "]"
sqlSort = "SELECT [" & fldName & "] " & _
"FROM [" & tblName & "] WHERE " & _
strWHERE & _
" ORDER BY [" & fldName & "]"
End If
Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
rst.Open sqlSort, cnn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly, 1
'Set Cdb = CurrentDb()
'Set rst = Cdb.OpenRecordset(sqlSort, dbOpenSnapshot)
'How many observatons? For example, N=12
N = rst.RecordCount
'Which observation would, theoretically, _
be the pTH "true" percentile.
'e.g., for 25th percentile would be _
the 0.25*(12+1)=3.25th observation
break_pt = (p / 100) * (N + 1) '3.25 = (25/100)*(12+1)
'There's 2 special extreme cases we need to worry about!
'small sample for small percentile
If break_pt < 1 Then break_pt = 1
'small sample for large percentile
If break_pt > N Then break_pt = N
'But since there's no such thing as a _
3.25th observation, we estimate it _
'somewhere between the 3rd and 4th observations. _
It 'll be approximately: p = r1*low_obs + r2*high_obs
low_obs = Int(break_pt) '3 = int(3.25)
high_obs = low_obs + 1 '4 = 3 + 1
'Now, we have to interprolate between the "boundaries"
r1 = high_obs - break_pt '0.75 = 4 - 3.25
r2 = 1 - r1 '0.25 = 1 - 0.75
'Since we have determined the needed _
observations and their weights we can move to the _
projected low observation and loop _
through the record set until we reach the _
high observation to calc the resulting percentile
'DAO, where absolution position is 0 based
'rst.AbsolutePosition = low_obs - 1: recno = low_obs - 1
'ADO where absolution position is 1 based
rst.AbsolutePosition = low_obs: recno = low_obs - 1
Do Until rst.EOF
recno = recno + 1
If recno = low_obs Then x = r1 * rst(0)
If recno = high_obs Then
x = x + r2 * rst(0)
Exit Do
End If
'We now have our percentile!
calpercentile = x
Set rst = Nothing
'Set Cdb = Nothing
Set cnn = Nothing
End Function
RI Region Time
6.6 2 2006-01-23
8.1 1 2006-01-03
5.1 2 2006-01-03
3.4 2 2006-01-07
7.2 2 2006-01-07
3.5 2 2006-01-09
6.2 3 2006-01-10
6.1 2 2006-01-09
11.0 2 2006-01-18
4.3 6 2006-01-18
5.4 1 2006-01-05
11.3 2 2006-01-19
I have a function to calculate the percentile of the column RI. If I donot control the Time in my Query, it works well.
But if I add:
Where(Case.Time)>=[Forms]![frmWitness]![txtStartDate] And (Case.Time)<=[Forms]![frmWitness]![txtEndDate]
it doesnot work.
Any one can help me? Many many Thanks.
The following function is from internet:
Public Function calpercentile(fldName As String, tblName As String, p As Double, Optional strWHERE As String = "") As Double
'Note tblName can also be the name of a query or view
Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
'Dim Cdb As Database
'Dim rst As Recordset
'Other Vars
Dim break_pt As Double
Dim sqlSort As String
Dim low_obs As Long, high_obs As Long
Dim r1 As Double, r2 As Double, x As Double
Dim N As Long
Dim recno As Long
If (p <= 0 Or p >= 100) Then
calpercentile = -555555555 'Something to stick out!
Exit Function
End If
If Len(strWHERE) < 1 Then
sqlSort = "SELECT [" & fldName & "] " & _
"FROM [" & tblName & "] " & _
"ORDER BY [" & fldName & "]"
sqlSort = "SELECT [" & fldName & "] " & _
"FROM [" & tblName & "] WHERE " & _
strWHERE & _
" ORDER BY [" & fldName & "]"
End If
Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
rst.Open sqlSort, cnn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly, 1
'Set Cdb = CurrentDb()
'Set rst = Cdb.OpenRecordset(sqlSort, dbOpenSnapshot)
'How many observatons? For example, N=12
N = rst.RecordCount
'Which observation would, theoretically, _
be the pTH "true" percentile.
'e.g., for 25th percentile would be _
the 0.25*(12+1)=3.25th observation
break_pt = (p / 100) * (N + 1) '3.25 = (25/100)*(12+1)
'There's 2 special extreme cases we need to worry about!
'small sample for small percentile
If break_pt < 1 Then break_pt = 1
'small sample for large percentile
If break_pt > N Then break_pt = N
'But since there's no such thing as a _
3.25th observation, we estimate it _
'somewhere between the 3rd and 4th observations. _
It 'll be approximately: p = r1*low_obs + r2*high_obs
low_obs = Int(break_pt) '3 = int(3.25)
high_obs = low_obs + 1 '4 = 3 + 1
'Now, we have to interprolate between the "boundaries"
r1 = high_obs - break_pt '0.75 = 4 - 3.25
r2 = 1 - r1 '0.25 = 1 - 0.75
'Since we have determined the needed _
observations and their weights we can move to the _
projected low observation and loop _
through the record set until we reach the _
high observation to calc the resulting percentile
'DAO, where absolution position is 0 based
'rst.AbsolutePosition = low_obs - 1: recno = low_obs - 1
'ADO where absolution position is 1 based
rst.AbsolutePosition = low_obs: recno = low_obs - 1
Do Until rst.EOF
recno = recno + 1
If recno = low_obs Then x = r1 * rst(0)
If recno = high_obs Then
x = x + r2 * rst(0)
Exit Do
End If
'We now have our percentile!
calpercentile = x
Set rst = Nothing
'Set Cdb = Nothing
Set cnn = Nothing
End Function