I want to add a user to multiple groups via dsadd I tried the below script and it will work fine if I add user to one group, will not work when I try to add it to multiple groups, may be I missing something. I used both comma and semicolon between two groups but it will still not work. what I am doing wrong?
-memberof "cn=BH Residents,ou=Existing Groups,ou=BH Application Groups,dc=zhc,dc=botsford,dc=org","cn=3 North,ou=Existing Groups,ou=BH Application Groups,dc=zhc,dc=botsford,dc=org"
Same question on how to add user to multiple groups via VBScript.
strMemberOf=strMemberOf=Trim(objExcel.Cells(intRow, 18).Value)
value in cell 18 in excel is :
CN=BH Externs,OU=Existing Groups,OU=BH Application Groups,DC=zhc,DC=botsford,DC=org;CN=BH Externs1,OU=Existing Groups,OU=BH Application Groups,DC=zhc,DC=botsford,DC=org
-memberof "cn=BH Residents,ou=Existing Groups,ou=BH Application Groups,dc=zhc,dc=botsford,dc=org","cn=3 North,ou=Existing Groups,ou=BH Application Groups,dc=zhc,dc=botsford,dc=org"
Same question on how to add user to multiple groups via VBScript.
strMemberOf=strMemberOf=Trim(objExcel.Cells(intRow, 18).Value)
value in cell 18 in excel is :
CN=BH Externs,OU=Existing Groups,OU=BH Application Groups,DC=zhc,DC=botsford,DC=org;CN=BH Externs1,OU=Existing Groups,OU=BH Application Groups,DC=zhc,DC=botsford,DC=org