In your post you give the following example
Protected WithEvents DivScript as System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl
Private Sub AddRecord()
'Write Code to Add to the Database
DivScript.InnerHTML = "<Script language='javascript'> alert('record was successfully entered into an SQL database') </Script> "
End Sub
when I try to use this code I get an error "String constants must end with a double quote"??
Protected WithEvents DivScript as System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl
Private Sub AddRecord()
'Write Code to Add to the Database
DivScript.InnerHTML = "<Script language='javascript'> alert('record was successfully entered into an SQL database') </Script> "
End Sub
when I try to use this code I get an error "String constants must end with a double quote"??