We use ArcServe 2000 Advanced Edition on a Windows NT 4.0 Server with ServicePack 5. Since three days our user data aren't saved.
Every User has a directory named by his lastname. They are sorted in order of the alphabet (A-Z). The user data may be saved, but the chronical for the menue item "Recovery after Session" ends with the user-lastname with "R" for example. I recognized this because i had to get back user data for a guy with a lastname starting with "Z". And i found out that the user with "R" had an open file during the recovery.
To sum up i'm not able to get my files back after the user who has an open file (for example "R". In the activity-journal is no error posted. Only the message "Recovery successful"
Question: Why all userdirectories aren't shown by the menu item "Recovery after Session"?
P.S.: Please excuse my english. I'm not sure what the menue items called in english because i have the german-version of ArcServe, but i hope somebody can imagine what i mean!
Every User has a directory named by his lastname. They are sorted in order of the alphabet (A-Z). The user data may be saved, but the chronical for the menue item "Recovery after Session" ends with the user-lastname with "R" for example. I recognized this because i had to get back user data for a guy with a lastname starting with "Z". And i found out that the user with "R" had an open file during the recovery.
To sum up i'm not able to get my files back after the user who has an open file (for example "R". In the activity-journal is no error posted. Only the message "Recovery successful"
Question: Why all userdirectories aren't shown by the menu item "Recovery after Session"?
P.S.: Please excuse my english. I'm not sure what the menue items called in english because i have the german-version of ArcServe, but i hope somebody can imagine what i mean!