Here is the pre-question:
Site A - HP4K V7 with 5 shelves, TDM Redundancy
Site B - Remote LTU w/APE, TDM Redundancy
Site C - Pure IP Remoote from Site B
Here are the Questions:
If the network fails at Site C and the phones go down (I assume TRS), does the system consider those phones in a DND state like in V5 if you unplugged a phone it was considered DND for forwarding purposes?
If the network fails at Site B, which has a few TDM phones for redundancy, but access to the gateway at Site B is cut off from Site C, does the same DND scenario apply?
What I am thinking (because my users don't use DND) is if I allow external CFW and I program a cell number in for the DND settings (if possible) that calls will go to that cellphone if Site C goes down??
I know there is another option for a standby gateway or something like that, but in this case it wouldn't matter if the standby gateway is at Site A, because each "Site B" has it's own outside trunking via PRI and the calls would have no way to route to Site A if the network is down. That would be a solution for a longer term outage, or PRI outage, in which case we would activate a Provider Disaster Plan (CLAR in the case of AT&T) and route all the calls temporarily from site B to Site A. I have never messed with the standby gateway stuff.
Here is the pre-question:
Site A - HP4K V7 with 5 shelves, TDM Redundancy
Site B - Remote LTU w/APE, TDM Redundancy
Site C - Pure IP Remoote from Site B
Here are the Questions:
If the network fails at Site C and the phones go down (I assume TRS), does the system consider those phones in a DND state like in V5 if you unplugged a phone it was considered DND for forwarding purposes?
If the network fails at Site B, which has a few TDM phones for redundancy, but access to the gateway at Site B is cut off from Site C, does the same DND scenario apply?
What I am thinking (because my users don't use DND) is if I allow external CFW and I program a cell number in for the DND settings (if possible) that calls will go to that cellphone if Site C goes down??
I know there is another option for a standby gateway or something like that, but in this case it wouldn't matter if the standby gateway is at Site A, because each "Site B" has it's own outside trunking via PRI and the calls would have no way to route to Site A if the network is down. That would be a solution for a longer term outage, or PRI outage, in which case we would activate a Provider Disaster Plan (CLAR in the case of AT&T) and route all the calls temporarily from site B to Site A. I have never messed with the standby gateway stuff.