I have a query that groups by 2 fieds application type and outcome.
There are only 2 application type = "Access" and "Return"
Where as the Outcomes are many.( Prevention, mediation, Attysecured, Withdrawn, Unfounded )
For a given date range lists entries to display the total and categorize them into various application types and Outcomes
Current report style lists
if it list 40 as total count.
Access - 35
Prevention 20
Mediation 15
sub total - 35
Return - 5
Prevention - 5
sub total - 5
Total – 40
SQL statement for above is
SELECT intl.applicationtype, intl.outcome, Count(children.childid) AS CountOfchildid
FROM intl INNER JOIN children ON intl.callid = children.callid
WHERE (((intl.internationaltype)="Incoming") AND ((children.casestatus)="Recovered" Or (children.casestatus)="Closed") AND ((children.processdate) Between [Forms].[FF_QPR].[Date1] And [Forms].[FF_QPR].[Date2]) AND ((intl.ishaguecase)=True))
GROUP BY intl.applicationtype, intl.outcome;
I would like the new style to show the outcome combo box choices in the below manner. The outcome combo box has total 5 values.
1) Prevention 2) Mediation 3) AttySecured 4) Unfounded 5)Withdrawn
Access -35
Prevention - 20
Mediation - 15
Atty Secured – 0
Withdrawn – 0
Unfounded - 0
Subtotal - 35
Return - 5
Withdrawn - 5
Mediation – 0
Atty Secured – 0
Prevention – 0
Unfounded - 0
Atty Secured - 0
Subtotal - 5
Total - 40
Any ideas how this can be achieved.
There are only 2 application type = "Access" and "Return"
Where as the Outcomes are many.( Prevention, mediation, Attysecured, Withdrawn, Unfounded )
For a given date range lists entries to display the total and categorize them into various application types and Outcomes
Current report style lists
if it list 40 as total count.
Access - 35
Prevention 20
Mediation 15
sub total - 35
Return - 5
Prevention - 5
sub total - 5
Total – 40
SQL statement for above is
SELECT intl.applicationtype, intl.outcome, Count(children.childid) AS CountOfchildid
FROM intl INNER JOIN children ON intl.callid = children.callid
WHERE (((intl.internationaltype)="Incoming") AND ((children.casestatus)="Recovered" Or (children.casestatus)="Closed") AND ((children.processdate) Between [Forms].[FF_QPR].[Date1] And [Forms].[FF_QPR].[Date2]) AND ((intl.ishaguecase)=True))
GROUP BY intl.applicationtype, intl.outcome;
I would like the new style to show the outcome combo box choices in the below manner. The outcome combo box has total 5 values.
1) Prevention 2) Mediation 3) AttySecured 4) Unfounded 5)Withdrawn
Access -35
Prevention - 20
Mediation - 15
Atty Secured – 0
Withdrawn – 0
Unfounded - 0
Subtotal - 35
Return - 5
Withdrawn - 5
Mediation – 0
Atty Secured – 0
Prevention – 0
Unfounded - 0
Atty Secured - 0
Subtotal - 5
Total - 40
Any ideas how this can be achieved.