I have a question about joining two queries on one form. I see that I can use the UNION statement to join two queries together. This works fine. However, I have a form that uses one of the queries. This form allows the user to check off one or more selections for example the user can check off the Decison Maker and/or Influencer of a company. This works and that's how it's been. The problem I'm having now is that I added another table for another group of members. The first query is for all of the primary people, now the second table is for the secondary or heirarchy of the first. I know the Union statement works as I already used it. However, is there a way that I can use the same form to query both tables. In other words, I have a check box bound to TABLE1, can that same check box be bound to TABLE2, so that it will work on both. Please let me know if you need further detail.