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Question about calls through external lines via IP trunks 1

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Oct 2, 2007
I have two BCMs at two sites. Site A is a BCM400 and Site B is a BCM50. There are 4 IP trunks going between both sites. Site A has are code 123 and Site B has area code 456. To save on long distance costs users in Site A can dial extension 299 to get an outside line at Site B, and users in Site B can dial extension 399 to get an outside line at Site A. This works very well - however I want to prevent people calling in from outside lines from being able to dial 299 or 399 to pickup one of our outgoing lines at the opposite site in an attempt to save $$$ on their own home phone bills (this can potentially clog up our lines, not to mention if the user dials a long distance number through 299 or 399 it would then get billed to us, not them). How can I allow calls to 299 or 399 internally but not externally? Is there a way?

Thanks in advance!
If you set up routing correctly, you would eliminate this need. Routing would allow the phone system to make the determination on which sites trunks to use. It would do it automatically just by the area code they dial.
Unfortunately I cannot do that because the area codes here are spread across a wide area. Sometimes it is long distance, sometimes it is not. So if someone from Site A was to dial 456-xxx-xxxx and routing automatically forwarded via the IP trunk to an external line at Site B half the time it would be a local call from Site B's lines, the other half the time it would not. With routing is there a way around that?
you can route based on area code and exchange. It would be a lot of work, but with only 2 sites you should be able to hammer it out in a day.
Yeah one of the sites is in Toronto, Canada, so there must be a hundred exchanges... I havent looked but I'm sure its really bad (416, 905, and 647 area codes + exchanges). I think all 416 and 647's would be local though but I havent confirmed this.

So other than routing is there any other way? If not I guess I'll try looking further into routing.
blue is correct, you cannot stop someone dialing an internal DN, from inside or outside.

Adversity is Opportunity
Maybe if you were using the CDR package you could capture the calling Line ID of the person making the calls and fire them I bet it would stop the Abuse.

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Why change the engine if all you need is to change the spark plugs.

PS: How are the external users getting into the system from home??????? (DISA)

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Why change the engine if all you need is to change the spark plugs.

Yes through auto answer. Dial our main # (or 1-800 #), dial the extension, then dial the #. Anyone could do it if they new the # and ext.

No employees have been caught doing this (yet) but you never know how long it'll be before one of them figures it out and starts to abuse it. I'd like to avoid the possibility of abuse if at all possible is all.
Again if you use CDR, this will give you the Telephone # of the person using this bypass. Thats about it as your leaving the system open to abuse.

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This is an Analogy so don't take it personally as some have.

Why change the engine if all you need is to change the spark plugs.

What does CDR stand for?

I guess I'll just have to look into routing some more...
Call Detail Recording, BCMs will supply a real time view of all calls coming and going, but you need 3rd party software to make it usable.

Adversity is Opportunity
CDR= Call Detial Recording.

You would need a 3rd party program to pull it off the BCM and creat reports. It can show all incoming and outgoing call detail like who called who and what phone numbers where involved.

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This is an Analogy so don't take it personally as some have.

Why change the engine if all you need is to change the spark plugs.

Any suggestions of good CDR 3rd party software that I could look into?

Currently I just have the BCM Monitor open on the Line Monitor tab open on my 3rd monitor... course I am only here 9 hours a day 5 days a week so who knows what goes on after hours... so a CDR might be worth it if its not too expensive.
Just Google Call Accounting Software.

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This is an Analogy so don't take it personally as some have.

Why change the engine if all you need is to change the spark plugs.

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