I am trying to write an LDAP query and I like to get all the users belonging to a certain group, my problem is that the group is too big and when it is big the result set comes back with an error.
I think the only way around it is to get all the users in this group with last name starting with a*, then b*,....
then display them all at once
I tried to write the query time and time again, it did not work and since I saw your name all over the internet when a document or an RFC about LDAP, this is why I addressed this email to you.
my query with an error look liked this:
<LDAP://DC=abcd,DC=abcdefg,DC=Com >;(&(CN=xxx yyyy)(sn=a*));name,distinguishedName,groupType,description,member;subtree
and the below one works when it is a small query not a big one
<LDAP://DC=abcd,DC=abcdefg,DC=Com>;(&(objectCategory=Group)(objectClass=*)name=xxxyyy) ;name,distinguishedName,groupType,description,member;subtree
If you cann help I would be very appreciative.
I think the only way around it is to get all the users in this group with last name starting with a*, then b*,....
then display them all at once
I tried to write the query time and time again, it did not work and since I saw your name all over the internet when a document or an RFC about LDAP, this is why I addressed this email to you.
my query with an error look liked this:
<LDAP://DC=abcd,DC=abcdefg,DC=Com >;(&(CN=xxx yyyy)(sn=a*));name,distinguishedName,groupType,description,member;subtree
and the below one works when it is a small query not a big one
<LDAP://DC=abcd,DC=abcdefg,DC=Com>;(&(objectCategory=Group)(objectClass=*)name=xxxyyy) ;name,distinguishedName,groupType,description,member;subtree
If you cann help I would be very appreciative.